Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thursday, January 22, 2015

 Pack for Lake St. George - meet in the gym for 8:30am on Monday, January 26.
- full school uniform consists of either a plain white or navy blue shirt and navy blue pants or as well as usbs, are soft copy methods for students to submit assignments
- other options are to hand write or print out assignments, these forms of submitting work are considered hard copy
homework provided in Ms. Astudillo's classes (Math, History, Geography, Art/Drama/Dance) will be on her blog (her blog address was given out during her class)
- homework provided in Ms. Bucci classes (Reading, Writing, Media Literacy, Financial Literacy, Science, Physical Education/Health) can be viewed at

-Don't forget students will be writing letters home at the end of every month, teacher comments will also be provided within those letters.  These letters have to be read and signed by the parents and brought back to school.  A notification will be put on this blog as to when they need to be signed and returned.

- Tests and Assignments posted for the month of January are posted below

- With your permission, students maybe allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work purposes only in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health.


Grade 8

     Writing  - 
hwk:  sign parent letter for January

     Reading -
     Novel Study -  books have been ordered for those that asked me too, other students need to
                              purchase their own novel by January 26
      Oral  -  

     Visual - 

     Media -

     Financial Literacy-

     Grammar -

Science  -  
hwk:  -

Religion/Family Life  - Unit 2 Holiness -

Health/Physical Education  -  
Art/Drama/Dance (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 

Mathematics (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Geography/History (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Art (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 
Upcoming assignments  

Writing  -  January  19 - Opinion Essay
                - January 19 - Parent Letter for December/January written in class
Reading  -
Novel Study - 
Oral  Presentations -
Visual - 

Media -

Financial Literacy - 

Science -
Health -

Physical Education -

Upcoming tests 

Science - Thursday January 22

 Upcoming Events

 Lake Saint George - January 26-30

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

- full school uniform consists of either a plain white or navy blue shirt and navy blue pants or as well as usbs, are soft copy methods for students to submit assignments
- other options are to hand write or print out assignments, these forms of submitting work are considered hard copy
homework provided in Ms. Astudillo's classes (Math, History, Geography, Art/Drama/Dance) will be on her blog (her blog address was given out during her class)
- homework provided in Ms. Bucci classes (Reading, Writing, Media Literacy, Financial Literacy, Science, Physical Education/Health) can be viewed at

-Don't forget students will be writing letters home at the end of every month, teacher comments will also be provided within those letters.  These letters have to be read and signed by the parents and brought back to school.  A notification will be put on this blog as to when they need to be signed and returned.

- Tests and Assignments posted for the month of January are posted below

- With your permission, students maybe allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work purposes only in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health.


Grade 8

     Writing  - 
hwk:  sign parent letter

     Reading -
     Novel Study -  books have been ordered for those that asked me too, other students need to
                              purchase their own novel by January 26
      Oral  -  

     Visual - 

     Media -

     Financial Literacy-

     Grammar -

Science  -  Study Notes provided were discussed
hwk:  -

Religion/Family Life  - Unit 2 Holiness -

Health/Physical Education  -  
Art/Drama/Dance (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 

Mathematics (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Geography/History (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Art (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 
Upcoming assignments  

Writing  -  January  19 - Opinion Essay
                - January 19 - Parent Letter for December/January written in class
Reading  -
Novel Study - 
Oral  Presentations -
Visual - 

Media -

Financial Literacy - 

Science -
Health -

Physical Education -

Upcoming tests 

Science - Thursday January 22

Unit: Systems in Action

Study Notes

 Please know the following for the test…
  1. Compare physical and social systems
  2. Explain the desired task, input, output, and side effects of the following social systems; public transportation, waste management
  3. Evolution of the school system in relation to student safety and on the road traffic
  4. Six simple machines and their purpose
  5. Explain the use of the following words (force, work and energy) in daily conversations and in science. Consider using examples and similarities and difference of those terms
  6. Compare the benefits and disadvantages of a doorknob verses a level-style door opener
  7. Explain why the health care system would become more efficient if young people become more physically active and are attentive to what they are eating

*  Test will be short answers.

*  The question worth/mark(s) will determine how much information needs to write within your answer.  For example, if question #1 is worth 3 marks, then you must include three different ideas related to the question.
Study process…

  1. Review information above and find the information in your notes or text
  2. Use page numbers and dates to guide you in finding the information above
  3. Write notes in your own words and on a separate sheet of paper titled study notes in order for you to better understand the ideas being tested and to have all the information on one or two sheets of paper
  4. Review your study notes daily
  5. Test yourself by writing possible questions based on your study notes
  6. Find the answers and write them out beside the questions
  7. Have someone question you with the questions you’ve provided them
  8. Answer questions both orally and in the written form, writing out the answers will help students who sometimes freeze up during test time so the extra practise will benefit you
  9. The night before the test review everything a few times
  10. During the test take your time and read every question thoroughly providing as much information as possible

Test Date:  Thursday January 22, 2015

 Upcoming Events

 Lake Saint George - January 26-30

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

- full school uniform consists of either a plain white or navy blue shirt and navy blue pants or as well as usbs, are soft copy methods for students to submit assignments
- other options are to hand write or print out assignments, these forms of submitting work are considered hard copy
homework provided in Ms. Astudillo's classes (Math, History, Geography, Art/Drama/Dance) will be on her blog (her blog address was given out during her class)
- homework provided in Ms. Bucci classes (Reading, Writing, Media Literacy, Financial Literacy, Science, Physical Education/Health) can be viewed at

-Don't forget students will be writing letters home at the end of every month, teacher comments will also be provided within those letters.  These letters have to be read and signed by the parents and brought back to school.  A notification will be put on this blog as to when they need to be signed and returned.

- Tests and Assignments posted for the month of January are posted below

- With your permission, students maybe allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work purposes only in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health.


Grade 8

     Writing  - parent letters wrapped up today-please sign January parent letters

     Reading - In class Nelson Literacy 8a Anthologies read and discussed pages 52-45 photo essay regarding financial food expenses around the world continues due to a cyber bully presentation
     Novel Study -  books have been ordered for those that asked me too, other students need to
                              purchase their own novel by January 26
      Oral  -  

     Visual - 

     Media -

     Financial Literacy-

     Grammar -

Science  -  Study Notes provided were discussed
hwk:  -

Religion/Family Life  - Unit 2 Holiness -

Health/Physical Education  -  
Art/Drama/Dance (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 

Mathematics (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Geography/History (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Art (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 
Upcoming assignments  

Writing  -  January  19 - Opinion Essay
                - January 19 - Parent Letter for December/January written in class
Reading  -
Novel Study - 
Oral  Presentations -
Visual - 

Media -

Financial Literacy - 

Science -
Health -

Physical Education -

Upcoming tests 

Science - Thursday January 22

Unit: Systems in Action

Study Notes

 Please know the following for the test…
  1. Compare physical and social systems
  2. Explain the desired task, input, output, and side effects of the following social systems; public transportation, waste management
  3. Evolution of the school system in relation to student safety and on the road traffic
  4. Six simple machines and their purpose
  5. Explain the use of the following words (force, work and energy) in daily conversations and in science. Consider using examples and similarities and difference of those terms
  6. Compare the benefits and disadvantages of a doorknob verses a level-style door opener
  7. Explain why the health care system would become more efficient if young people become more physically active and are attentive to what they are eating

*  Test will be short answers.

*  The question worth/mark(s) will determine how much information needs to write within your answer.  For example, if question #1 is worth 3 marks, then you must include three different ideas related to the question.
Study process…

  1. Review information above and find the information in your notes or text
  2. Use page numbers and dates to guide you in finding the information above
  3. Write notes in your own words and on a separate sheet of paper titled study notes in order for you to better understand the ideas being tested and to have all the information on one or two sheets of paper
  4. Review your study notes daily
  5. Test yourself by writing possible questions based on your study notes
  6. Find the answers and write them out beside the questions
  7. Have someone question you with the questions you’ve provided them
  8. Answer questions both orally and in the written form, writing out the answers will help students who sometimes freeze up during test time so the extra practise will benefit you
  9. The night before the test review everything a few times
  10. During the test take your time and read every question thoroughly providing as much information as possible

Test Date:  Thursday January 22, 2015

 Upcoming Events

 Lake Saint George - January 26-30

Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday, January 19, 2015

- full school uniform consists of either a plain white or navy blue shirt and navy blue pants or as well as usbs, are soft copy methods for students to submit assignments
- other options are to hand write or print out assignments, these forms of submitting work are considered hard copy
homework provided in Ms. Astudillo's classes (Math, History, Geography, Art/Drama/Dance) will be on her blog (her blog address was given out during her class)
- homework provided in Ms. Bucci classes (Reading, Writing, Media Literacy, Financial Literacy, Science, Physical Education/Health) can be viewed at

-Don't forget students will be writing letters home at the end of every month, teacher comments will also be provided within those letters.  These letters have to be read and signed by the parents and brought back to school.  A notification will be put on this blog as to when they need to be signed and returned.

- Tests and Assignments posted for the month of January are posted below

- With your permission, students maybe allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work purposes only in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health.


Grade 8

     Writing  - in class writing of December and January parent letters- will be continue tomorrow

     Reading - In class Nelson Literacy 8a Anthologies read and discussed pages 52-45 photo essay regarding financial food expenses around the world
     Novel Study -  books have been ordered for those that asked me too, other students need to
                              purchase their own novel by January 26
      Oral  -  

     Visual - 

     Media -

     Financial Literacy-

     Grammar -

Science  -  Study Notes provided below be ready to discuss note in class tomorrow
hwk:  -

Religion/Family Life  - Unit 2 Holiness - Journal Reflection regarding a time in life where you felt like everything was falling apart.  Explain what happened and how you dealt with it.

Health/Physical Education  -  
Art/Drama/Dance (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 

Mathematics (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Geography/History (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Art (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 
Upcoming assignments  

Writing  -  January  19 - Opinion Essay
                - January 19 - Parent Letter for December/January written in class
Reading  -
Novel Study - 
Oral  Presentations -
Visual - 

Media -

Financial Literacy - 

Science -
Health -

Physical Education -

Upcoming tests 

Science - Thursday January 22

Unit: Systems in Action

Study Notes

 Please know the following for the test…
  1. Compare physical and social systems
  2. Explain the desired task, input, output, and side effects of the following social systems; public transportation, waste management
  3. Evolution of the school system in relation to student safety and on the road traffic
  4. Six simple machines and their purpose
  5. Explain the use of the following words (force, work and energy) in daily conversations and in science. Consider using examples and similarities and difference of those terms
  6. Compare the benefits and disadvantages of a doorknob verses a level-style door opener
  7. Explain why the health care system would become more efficient if young people become more physically active and are attentive to what they are eating

*  Test will be short answers.

*  The question worth/mark(s) will determine how much information needs to write within your answer.  For example, if question #1 is worth 3 marks, then you must include three different ideas related to the question.
Study process…

  1. Review information above and find the information in your notes or text
  2. Use page numbers and dates to guide you in finding the information above
  3. Write notes in your own words and on a separate sheet of paper titled study notes in order for you to better understand the ideas being tested and to have all the information on one or two sheets of paper
  4. Review your study notes daily
  5. Test yourself by writing possible questions based on your study notes
  6. Find the answers and write them out beside the questions
  7. Have someone question you with the questions you’ve provided them
  8. Answer questions both orally and in the written form, writing out the answers will help students who sometimes freeze up during test time so the extra practise will benefit you
  9. The night before the test review everything a few times
  10. During the test take your time and read every question thoroughly providing as much information as possible

Test Date:  Thursday January 22, 2015

 Upcoming Events

 Lake Saint George - January 26-30

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thursday, January 15, 2015

- full school uniform consists of either a plain white or navy blue shirt and navy blue pants or as well as usbs, are soft copy methods for students to submit assignments
- other options are to hand write or print out assignments, these forms of submitting work are considered hard copy
homework provided in Ms. Astudillo's classes (Math, History, Geography, Art/Drama/Dance) will be on her blog (her blog address was given out during her class)
- homework provided in Ms. Bucci classes (Reading, Writing, Media Literacy, Financial Literacy, Science, Physical Education/Health) can be viewed at

-Don't forget students will be writing letters home at the end of every month, teacher comments will also be provided within those letters.  These letters have to be read and signed by the parents and brought back to school.  A notification will be put on this blog as to when they need to be signed and returned.

- Tests and Assignments posted for the month of January are posted below

- With your permission, students maybe allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work purposes only in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health.


Grade 8

     Writing  - drafting opinion essay in class continued with teacher support

     Reading - In class Nelson Literacy 8a Anthologies read and discussed with a focus on visualizing , connecting to and asking questions about the content being read in order to comprehend the text better
     Novel Study -  books have been ordered for those that asked me too, other students need to
                              purchase their own novel by January 26
      Oral  -  

     Visual - 

     Media -

     Financial Literacy-

     Grammar -

Science  -  Study Notes provided below
hwk:  -

Religion/Family Life  - Unit 2 Holiness - Belonging pages 49-50 and questions 1-6

Health/Physical Education  -  Healthy Living
Hwk: 3 day food and activity journal
Art/Drama/Dance (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 

Mathematics (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Geography/History (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Art (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 
Upcoming assignments  

Writing  -  January  19 - Opinion Essay
                - January 19 - Parent Letter for December/January written in class
Reading  -
Novel Study - 
Oral  Presentations -
Visual - 

Media -

Financial Literacy - 

Science -
Health -

Physical Education -

Upcoming tests 

Science - Thursday January 22

Unit: Systems in Action

Study Notes

 Please know the following for the test…
  1. Compare physical and social systems
  2. Explain the desired task, input, output, and side effects of the following social systems; public transportation, waste management
  3. Evolution of the school system in relation to student safety and on the road traffic
  4. Six simple machines and their purpose
  5. Explain the use of the following words (force, work and energy) in daily conversations and in science. Consider using examples and similarities and difference of those terms
  6. Compare the benefits and disadvantages of a doorknob verses a level-style door opener
  7. Explain why the health care system would become more efficient if young people become more physically active and are attentive to what they are eating

*  Test will be short answers.

*  The question worth/mark(s) will determine how much information needs to write within your answer.  For example, if question #1 is worth 3 marks, then you must include three different ideas related to the question.

Study process…

  1. Review information above and find the information in your notes or text
  2. Use page numbers and dates to guide you in finding the information above
  3. Write notes in your own words and on a separate sheet of paper titled study notes in order for you to better understand the ideas being tested and to have all the information on one or two sheets of paper
  4. Review your study notes daily
  5. Test yourself by writing possible questions based on your study notes
  6. Find the answers and write them out beside the questions
  7. Have someone question you with the questions you’ve provided them
  8. Answer questions both orally and in the written form, writing out the answers will help students who sometimes freeze up during test time so the extra practise will benefit you
  9. The night before the test review everything a few times
  10. During the test take your time and read every question thoroughly providing as much information as possible

Test Date:  Thursday January 22, 2015

 Upcoming Events

 Lake Saint George - January 26-30

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

- full school uniform consists of either a plain white or navy blue shirt and navy blue pants or as well as usbs, are soft copy methods for students to submit assignments
- other options are to hand write or print out assignments, these forms of submitting work are considered hard copy
homework provided in Ms. Astudillo's classes (Math, History, Geography, Art/Drama/Dance) will be on her blog (her blog address was given out during her class)
- homework provided in Ms. Bucci classes (Reading, Writing, Media Literacy, Financial Literacy, Science, Physical Education/Health) can be viewed at

-Don't forget students will be writing letters home at the end of every month, teacher comments will also be provided within those letters.  These letters have to be read and signed by the parents and brought back to school.  A notification will be put on this blog as to when they need to be signed and returned.

- Tests and Assignments posted for the month of January are posted below

- With your permission, students maybe allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work purposes only in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health.


Grade 8

     Writing  - drafting opinion essay in class continued

     Reading - In class Nelson Literacy 8a Anthologies read and discussed with a focus on visualizing , connecting to and asking questions about the content being read in order to comprehend the text better
     Novel Study -  books have been ordered for those that asked me too, other students need to
                              purchase their own novel by January 26
      Oral  -  

     Visual - 

     Media -

     Financial Literacy-

     Grammar -

Science  -  2.2, 2.3 and 2.5 Focus on mechanical advantages and work formulas plus class notes
hwk:  -

Religion/Family Life  - Unit 2 Holiness -

Health/Physical Education  -  Healthy Living
Hwk: 3 day food and activity journal
Art/Drama/Dance (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 

Mathematics (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Geography/History (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Art (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 
Upcoming assignments  

Writing  -  January  19 - Opinion Essay
                - January 19 - Parent Letter for December/January written in class
Reading  -
Novel Study - 
Oral  Presentations -
Visual - 

Media -

Financial Literacy - 

Science -
Health -

Physical Education -

Upcoming tests 

Science - Thursday January 22
 Upcoming Events

 Lake Saint George - January 26-30