Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


- fully school uniform consists of either a plain white or navy blue shirt and navy blue pants

enrica.bucci@tcdsb.org or stsimonbucci@gmail.com as well as usbs, are soft copy methods for students to submit assignments
- other options are to hand write or print out assignments, these forms of submitting work are considered hard copy

homework provided in Ms. Astudillo's classes (Math, History, Geography, Art/Drama/Dance) will be on her blog (her blog address was given out during her class)
- homework provided in Ms. Bucci classes (Reading, Writing, Media Literacy, Financial Literacy, Science, Physical Education/Health) can be viewed at www.stsimonbucci.blogspot.ca

-Don't forget students will be writing letters home at the end of every month, teacher comments will also be provided within those letters.  These letters have to be read and signed by the parents and brought back to school.  A notification will be put on this blog as to when they need to be signed and returned.

- Tests and Assignments posted for the month of September are posted below

- With your permission, students maybe allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work purposes only in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health.

 ***Secondary School Open Houses 2014***
Please see below for the transition support information for you students.

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TO SECONDARY SCHOOL TRANSITION Secondary School Open Houses 2014https://www.tcdsb.org/school/openhouses/pages/default.aspx

Program and Course Calendar 2014-2015; 2013-2014https://www.tcdsb.org/ProgramsServices/SchoolProgramsK12/GuidanceCoopEd/Pages/Default.aspx

Parent Transition Guide,  Student After8 and Ministry of Education’s, “What do I need to graduate from high school.”https://www.tcdsb.org/ProgramsServices/SchoolProgramsK12/GuidanceCoopEd/Transition%20to%20High%20School/Pages/default.aspx

Student After8 websitewww.after8tcdsb.com

Student Community Involvement (40 hours graduation requirement)https://www.tcdsb.org/ProgramsServices/SchoolProgramsK12/GuidanceCoopEd/Communityservice40hours/Pages/default.aspx

 Have a great day,
 Maria Meffe Elementary Guidance Teacher-Counsellor, Area 1, TCDSB



Grade 8
     Writing  -  Students wrote parent letters in class. 
     Reading  -  Nelson Literacy 8a

     Novel Study - 
      Oral  -
     Visual - 
     Media -
     Financial Literacy-
     Grammar -

Science  -

Bucci-read page 93 - Identify Robert Hooke's discoveries and how did he come across them
Religion/Family Life  - Textbook work:
Focus on the meaning of the gifts of the Holy Spirit - in class work
Continue our 1000 gifts journal in class (gifts 66-72) 
Health/Physical Education  -
Art/Drama/Dance (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 
Mathematics (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Geography/History (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Art (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 
Upcoming assignments  
Writing  -  September 29 - Paragraph writing (expectations will be discussed in class)
                -  September 29 - writing parent letter in class
Reading  -
Novel Study -
Oral  Presentations-
Visual -  September 8 "I am..." (expectations and criteria will be discussed in class)
Media -

Financial Literacy-   

Science - September 16 "Skills Handbook" presentations

Health -
Physical Education -
Upcoming tests 
 Science -  
Upcoming Events
September 4 - new school times will be in affect
September 5 - divisional assembly am
                     - pm - school challenge in the gym
September 26 - Terry Fox Walk

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014


- fully school uniform consists of either a plain white or navy blue shirt and navy blue pants
- parents please review and sign the opening student handbook provided on the first day of school

enrica.bucci@tcdsb.org or stsimonbucci@gmail.com as well as usbs, are soft copy methods for students to submit assignments
- other options are to hand write or print out assignments, these forms of submitting work are considered hard copy

homework provided in Ms. Astudillo's classes (Math, History, Geography, Art/Drama/Dance) will be on her blog (her blog address was given out during her class)
- homework provided in Ms. Bucci classes (Reading, Writing, Media Literacy, Financial Literacy, Science, Physical Education/Health) can be viewed at www.stsimonbucci.blogspot.ca

-Don't forget students will be writing letters home at the end of every month, teacher comments will also be provided within those letters.  These letters have to be read and signed by the parents and brought back to school.  A notification will be put on this blog as to when they need to be signed and returned.

- Tests and Assignments posted for the month of September are posted below

- With your permission, students maybe allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work purposes only in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health.

 ***Secondary School Open Houses 2014***
Please see below for the transition support information for you students.

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TO SECONDARY SCHOOL TRANSITION Secondary School Open Houses 2014https://www.tcdsb.org/school/openhouses/pages/default.aspx

Program and Course Calendar 2014-2015; 2013-2014https://www.tcdsb.org/ProgramsServices/SchoolProgramsK12/GuidanceCoopEd/Pages/Default.aspx

Parent Transition Guide,  Student After8 and Ministry of Education’s, “What do I need to graduate from high school.”https://www.tcdsb.org/ProgramsServices/SchoolProgramsK12/GuidanceCoopEd/Transition%20to%20High%20School/Pages/default.aspx

Student After8 websitewww.after8tcdsb.com

Student Community Involvement (40 hours graduation requirement)https://www.tcdsb.org/ProgramsServices/SchoolProgramsK12/GuidanceCoopEd/Communityservice40hours/Pages/default.aspx

 Have a great day,
 Maria Meffe Elementary Guidance Teacher-Counsellor, Area 1, TCDSB



Grade 8
     Writing  -  Teacher Directed Expectations of a parents letters addressed during class today
     Reading  -  Nelson Literacy 8a

     Novel Study - 
      Oral  -
     Visual - 
     Media - Presented some lyrics and videos today regarding music that voices positive global change
     Financial Literacy-
     Grammar -

Science  -

Bucci-read pages 410-411 When working in a group what things are important to remember when collaborating?
Religion/Family Life  - Textbook work:
Read page 15-18 Answer question #1
Continue our 1000 gifts journal in class (gifts 60-66) 
Health/Physical Education  -
Art/Drama/Dance (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 
Mathematics (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Geography/History (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Art (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 
Upcoming assignments  
Writing  -  September 29 - Paragraph writing (expectations will be discussed in class)
                -  September 29 - writing parent letter in class
Reading  -
Novel Study -
Oral  Presentations-
Visual -  September 8 "I am..." (expectations and criteria will be discussed in class)
Media -

Financial Literacy-   

Science - September 16 "Skills Handbook" presentations

Health -
Physical Education -
Upcoming tests 
 Science -  
Upcoming Events
September 4 - new school times will be in affect
September 5 - divisional assembly am
                     - pm - school challenge in the gym
September 26 - Terry Fox Walk

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014


- fully school uniform consists of either a plain white or navy blue shirt and navy blue pants
- parents please review and sign the opening student handbook provided on the first day of school

enrica.bucci@tcdsb.org or stsimonbucci@gmail.com as well as usbs, are soft copy methods for students to submit assignments
- other options are to hand write or print out assignments, these forms of submitting work are considered hard copy

homework provided in Ms. Astudillo's classes (Math, History, Geography, Art/Drama/Dance) will be on her blog (her blog address was given out during her class)
- homework provided in Ms. Bucci classes (Reading, Writing, Media Literacy, Financial Literacy, Science, Physical Education/Health) can be viewed at www.stsimonbucci.blogspot.ca

-Don't forget students will be writing letters home at the end of every month, teacher comments will also be provided within those letters.  These letters have to be read and signed by the parents and brought back to school.  A notification will be put on this blog as to when they need to be signed and returned.

- Tests and Assignments posted for the month of September are posted below

- With your permission, students maybe allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work purposes only in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health.

 ***Secondary School Open Houses 2014***
Please see below for the transition support information for you students.

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TO SECONDARY SCHOOL TRANSITION Secondary School Open Houses 2014https://www.tcdsb.org/school/openhouses/pages/default.aspx

Program and Course Calendar 2014-2015; 2013-2014https://www.tcdsb.org/ProgramsServices/SchoolProgramsK12/GuidanceCoopEd/Pages/Default.aspx

Parent Transition Guide,  Student After8 and Ministry of Education’s, “What do I need to graduate from high school.”https://www.tcdsb.org/ProgramsServices/SchoolProgramsK12/GuidanceCoopEd/Transition%20to%20High%20School/Pages/default.aspx

Student After8 websitewww.after8tcdsb.com

Student Community Involvement (40 hours graduation requirement)https://www.tcdsb.org/ProgramsServices/SchoolProgramsK12/GuidanceCoopEd/Communityservice40hours/Pages/default.aspx

 Have a great day,
 Maria Meffe Elementary Guidance Teacher-Counsellor, Area 1, TCDSB



Grade 8
     Writing  -  In class conference with either peer and/or group conference including teacher to provide feedback on a narrative, descriptive, and expository paragraph.  Published copy due Monday. Success Criteria includes: submitting three different paragraphs (one expository, one narrative, and one descriptive).  Each paragraph needs to have a topic sentence, eight supporting details related to the topic, and a concluding sentence that wraps up the paragraph. Remember since this is the published copy, writing conventions apply.  If you are unsure of what these things mean, refer back to your notes.
     Reading  -  Nelson Literacy 8a

     Novel Study - 
      Oral  -
     Visual - 
     Media -
     Financial Literacy-
     Grammar -

Science  -
In class work "Skills Handbook" presentations wrapped up day.
Bucci-read pages 410-411 When working in a group what things are important to remember when collaborating?
Religion/Family Life  - Textbook work:
Read page 13-15 Summarize the "Gifts of the Holy Spirit"
Continue our 1000 gifts journal in class (gifts 52-60) 
Health/Physical Education  -
Art/Drama/Dance (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 
Mathematics (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Geography/History (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Art (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 
Upcoming assignments  
Writing  -  September 29 - Paragraph writing (expectations will be discussed in class)
                -  September 29 - writing parent letter in class
Reading  -
Novel Study -
Oral  Presentations-
Visual -  September 8 "I am..." (expectations and criteria will be discussed in class)
Media -

Financial Literacy-   

Science - September 16 "Skills Handbook" presentations

Health -
Physical Education -
Upcoming tests 
 Science -  
Upcoming Events
September 4 - new school times will be in affect
September 5 - divisional assembly am
                     - pm - school challenge in the gym
September 26 - Terry Fox Walk

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014


- fully school uniform consists of either a plain white or navy blue shirt and navy blue pants
- parents please review and sign the opening student handbook provided on the first day of school

enrica.bucci@tcdsb.org or stsimonbucci@gmail.com as well as usbs, are soft copy methods for students to submit assignments
- other options are to hand write or print out assignments, these forms of submitting work are considered hard copy

homework provided in Ms. Astudillo's classes (Math, History, Geography, Art/Drama/Dance) will be on her blog (her blog address was given out during her class)
- homework provided in Ms. Bucci classes (Reading, Writing, Media Literacy, Financial Literacy, Science, Physical Education/Health) can be viewed at www.stsimonbucci.blogspot.ca

-Don't forget students will be writing letters home at the end of every month, teacher comments will also be provided within those letters.  These letters have to be read and signed by the parents and brought back to school.  A notification will be put on this blog as to when they need to be signed and returned.

- Tests and Assignments posted for the month of September are posted below

- With your permission, students maybe allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work purposes only in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health.

 ***Secondary School Open Houses 2014***
Please see below for the transition support information for you students.

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TO SECONDARY SCHOOL TRANSITION Secondary School Open Houses 2014https://www.tcdsb.org/school/openhouses/pages/default.aspx

Program and Course Calendar 2014-2015; 2013-2014https://www.tcdsb.org/ProgramsServices/SchoolProgramsK12/GuidanceCoopEd/Pages/Default.aspx

Parent Transition Guide,  Student After8 and Ministry of Education’s, “What do I need to graduate from high school.”https://www.tcdsb.org/ProgramsServices/SchoolProgramsK12/GuidanceCoopEd/Transition%20to%20High%20School/Pages/default.aspx

Student After8 websitewww.after8tcdsb.com

Student Community Involvement (40 hours graduation requirement)https://www.tcdsb.org/ProgramsServices/SchoolProgramsK12/GuidanceCoopEd/Communityservice40hours/Pages/default.aspx

 Have a great day,
 Maria Meffe Elementary Guidance Teacher-Counsellor, Area 1, TCDSB



Grade 8
     Writing  -  Drafting of a narrative, descriptive, and expository paragraph (using this criteria: a topic sentence, eight supporting details, and a concluding sentence)
     Reading  -  Nelson Literacy 8a

     Novel Study - 
      Oral  -
     Visual - 
     Media -
     Financial Literacy-
     Grammar -

Science  -
In class work "Skills Handbook" presentations wrapped up day.
Bucci-read pages 410-411 When working in a group what things are important to collaborating?
Religion/Family Life  - Textbook work:
Read page 13-15 Summarize the "Gifts of the Holy Spirit"
Continue our 1000 gifts journal in class (gifts 52-60) 
Health/Physical Education  -
Art/Drama/Dance (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 
Mathematics (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Geography/History (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Art (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 
Upcoming assignments  
Writing  -  September 29 - Paragraph writing (expectations will be discussed in class)
                -  September 29 - writing parent letter in class
Reading  -
Novel Study -
Oral  Presentations-
Visual -  September 8 "I am..." (expectations and criteria will be discussed in class)
Media -

Financial Literacy-   

Science - September 16 "Skills Handbook" presentations

Health -
Physical Education -
Upcoming tests 
 Science -  
Upcoming Events
September 4 - new school times will be in affect
September 5 - divisional assembly am
                     - pm - school challenge in the gym
September 26 - Terry Fox Walk

Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday September 22, 2014


- fully school uniform consists of either a plain white or navy blue shirt and navy blue pants
- parents please review and sign the opening student handbook provided on the first day of school

enrica.bucci@tcdsb.org or stsimonbucci@gmail.com as well as usbs, are soft copy methods for students to submit assignments
- other options are to hand write or print out assignments, these forms of submitting work are considered hard copy

homework provided in Ms. Astudillo's classes (Math, History, Geography, Art/Drama/Dance) will be on her blog (her blog address was given out during her class)
- homework provided in Ms. Bucci classes (Reading, Writing, Media Literacy, Financial Literacy, Science, Physical Education/Health) can be viewed at www.stsimonbucci.blogspot.ca

-Don't forget students will be writing letters home at the end of every month, teacher comments will also be provided within those letters.  These letters have to be read and signed by the parents and brought back to school.  A notification will be put on this blog as to when they need to be signed and returned.

- Tests and Assignments posted for the month of September are posted below

- With your permission, students maybe allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work purposes only in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health.

 ***Secondary School Open Houses 2014***
Please see below for the transition support information for you students.

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TO SECONDARY SCHOOL TRANSITION Secondary School Open Houses 2014https://www.tcdsb.org/school/openhouses/pages/default.aspx

Program and Course Calendar 2014-2015; 2013-2014https://www.tcdsb.org/ProgramsServices/SchoolProgramsK12/GuidanceCoopEd/Pages/Default.aspx

Parent Transition Guide,  Student After8 and Ministry of Education’s, “What do I need to graduate from high school.”https://www.tcdsb.org/ProgramsServices/SchoolProgramsK12/GuidanceCoopEd/Transition%20to%20High%20School/Pages/default.aspx

Student After8 websitewww.after8tcdsb.com

Student Community Involvement (40 hours graduation requirement)https://www.tcdsb.org/ProgramsServices/SchoolProgramsK12/GuidanceCoopEd/Communityservice40hours/Pages/default.aspx

 Have a great day,
 Maria Meffe Elementary Guidance Teacher-Counsellor, Area 1, TCDSB




Grade 8
     Writing  -  Teacher Directed Activity- based on student research-teacher reinforces special features of a narrative, descriptive, and expository paragraph
- students begin brainstorming in class regarding writing assignment
     Reading  -  Nelson Literacy 8a

     Novel Study - 
      Oral  -
     Visual - 
     Media -
     Financial Literacy-
     Grammar -

Science  -
In class work "Skills Handbook" presentations began and will continue Tuesday
Religion/Family Life  - Textbook work:
Read page 11-12 answer questions on page 12
Continue our 1000 gifts journal in class (gifts 38-42) 
Health/Physical Education  -
Mathematics (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Geography/History (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Art (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 
Upcoming assignments  
Writing  -  September 29 - Paragraph writing (expectations will be discussed in class)
                -  September 29 - writing parent letter in class
Reading  -
Novel Study -
Oral  Presentations-
Visual -  September 8 "I am..." (expectations and criteria will be discussed in class)
Media -

Financial Literacy-   

Science - September 16 "Skills Handbook" presentations

Health -
Physical Education -
Upcoming tests 
 Science -  
Upcoming Events
September 4 - new school times will be in affect
September 5 - divisional assembly am
                     - pm - school challenge in the gym
September 26 - Terry Fox Walk

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Friday September 19, 2014


- fully school uniform consists of either a plain white or navy blue shirt and navy blue pants
- parents please review and sign the opening student handbook provided on the first day of school

enrica.bucci@tcdsb.org or stsimonbucci@gmail.com as well as usbs, are soft copy methods for students to submit assignments
- other options are to hand write or print out assignments, these forms of submitting work are considered hard copy

homework provided in Ms. Astudillo's classes (Math, History, Geography, Art/Drama/Dance) will be on her blog (her blog address was given out during her class)
- homework provided in Ms. Bucci classes (Reading, Writing, Media Literacy, Financial Literacy, Science, Physical Education/Health) can be viewed at www.stsimonbucci.blogspot.ca

-Don't forget students will be writing letters home at the end of every month, teacher comments will also be provided within those letters.  These letters have to be read and signed by the parents and brought back to school.  A notification will be put on this blog as to when they need to be signed and returned.

- Tests and Assignments posted for the month of September are posted below

- With your permission, students maybe allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work purposes only in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health.

 ***Secondary School Open Houses 2014***
Please see below for the transition support information for you students.

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TO SECONDARY SCHOOL TRANSITION Secondary School Open Houses 2014https://www.tcdsb.org/school/openhouses/pages/default.aspx

Program and Course Calendar 2014-2015; 2013-2014https://www.tcdsb.org/ProgramsServices/SchoolProgramsK12/GuidanceCoopEd/Pages/Default.aspx

Parent Transition Guide,  Student After8 and Ministry of Education’s, “What do I need to graduate from high school.”https://www.tcdsb.org/ProgramsServices/SchoolProgramsK12/GuidanceCoopEd/Transition%20to%20High%20School/Pages/default.aspx

Student After8 websitewww.after8tcdsb.com

Student Community Involvement (40 hours graduation requirement)https://www.tcdsb.org/ProgramsServices/SchoolProgramsK12/GuidanceCoopEd/Communityservice40hours/Pages/default.aspx

 Have a great day,
 Maria Meffe Elementary Guidance Teacher-Counsellor, Area 1, TCDSB




Grade 8
     Writing  - 
     Reading  -  Nelson Literacy 8a

     Novel Study - 
      Oral  -
     Visual -  Research a music video and it's lyrics that relate to an issue of making positive change in the world as a global citizen.  Explain how the artist uses both visual and text form to get his/her message across.  Remember to use your own ideas and connected back t the song.
     Media -
     Financial Literacy-
     Grammar -

Science  -
In class work "Skills Handbook" presentations began and will continue Tuesday
Religion/Family Life  - Textbook work:
Read page 10, identify "Where do we see God?"
Continue our 1000 gifts journal in class (gifts 38-42) 
Health/Physical Education  -
Mathematics (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Geography/History (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog)
Art (See Ms. Astudillo's Blog) 
Upcoming assignments  
Writing  -  September 29 - Paragraph writing (expectations will be discussed in class)
                -  September 29 - writing parent letter in class
Reading  -
Novel Study -
Oral  Presentations-
Visual -  September 8 "I am..." (expectations and criteria will be discussed in class)
Media -

Financial Literacy-   

Science - September 16 "Skills Handbook" presentations

Health -
Physical Education -
Upcoming tests 
 Science -  
Upcoming Events
September 4 - new school times will be in affect
September 5 - divisional assembly am
                     - pm - school challenge in the gym
September 26 - Terry Fox Walk