Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


- Don't forget students will be writing letters home at the end of every month, teacher commentswill also be provided within those letters.  These letters have to be read and signed by the parents and brought back to school.  A notification will be put on this blog as to when they need to be signed and returned.

- Tests and Assignments posted for the month are posted below
- With your permission, students maybe allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work purposes only in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health

email Ms. Bucci @
email Mr. Vago
Grade 7/8
Grade 7/8 - During this period, students work on their school blue print
                  1. students created an account using their OEN # (provided by the school)
                  2. Students went to the url:
                  3. Students did their learning strategy survey
                  4. They reviewed their report
                  5. Added it to their portfolio
                  6. They reflected on their learning skills by answering the following...
                      - three things you already knew about your learning
                      - three things you learned
                     - three study tips you are willing to try
Grade 8s:
7. Continued with a personality survey
8. Students reflected on three strengths and three needs based on your report
9. Students were asked to also explore the Occupational Planner (possible careers that interest then) and the Resume (identifying two extra curricular activities, two interests and two hobbies)
Remember to continue to explore "myblueprint" at home with your parents
Remember to add to the to the portfolio as this will be developing throughout your academic careers

Grade 7/8 
Nelson Literacy 7b/8b -  
Grade 7/8        
Novel Studies: This novel will focus on inference, asking questions and literary devices
Grade 7s/8s -
Book Talk discussions this week regarding post it notes that are either colour coded or written on that show flashbacks, foreshadowing, symbolism, and tone.  Use your information sheet, provided in class, as a reference. 
Silent Movie Trailer for your book talk will be due Friday February 5th, 2016
Grade 7/8 - Changes made Photo Essay now due on Monday February 1, 2016
to be included in your photo essay...
- 5-7 photos
- photos need to be in relation to the " day in the life of..." (pick an object, place or person) and tell it's story
- photos need to narrate a story from beginning, middle and end (put yourself in the "shoes of your object, place or person)
- captions under each photo is required (5-10 sentence) that tell a story

Grade 7/8 -      
Financial Literacy:
Grade 7 /8 -
Grade 7/8 - Lessons
Grade 7 -
Grade 8-
Religion/Fully Alive: The Ten Commandments
Health/Physical Education-Basketball: Substance Use and Abuse in class understanding how to problem solve and make decisions. Using the IDEAL decision making model
Monthly Calendar
Changes made Photo Essay now due February 1
 and the Opinion Essay due February 5
School Related
English Related
Science Related

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