- Don't forget students will be writing letters home at the end of every month, teacher commentswill also be provided within those letters. These letters have to be read and signed by the parents and brought back to school. A notification will be put on this blog as to when they need to be signed and returned.
- Don't forget students will be writing letters home at the end of every month, teacher commentswill also be provided within those letters. These letters have to be read and signed by the parents and brought back to school. A notification will be put on this blog as to when they need to be signed and returned.
- Tests and Assignments posted for the month are posted below
- With your permission, students maybe allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work purposes only in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health
email Ms. Bucci @
email Mr. Vago
Grade 7/8
Writing: Grade 7/8 Reading: Grade 7/8 Nelson Literacy 7b/8b - Grade 7/8 Novel Studies: This novel will focus on inference, asking questions and literary devices
Grade 7s/8s -
hwk: Read 15-25 pages daily for the next 21 days-depending on the book talk group Hand out provided based on the final chapters of the novel. With the last 100 pages of your text, use post it notes that are either colour coded or written on that show flashbacks, foreshadowing, symbolism, and tone. Use your information sheet, provided in class, as a reference. Media: Grade 7/8 - Changes made Photo Essay now due on the 25th, to be included in your photo essay... - 5-7 photos - photos need to be in relation to the " day in the life of..." (pick an object, place or person) and tell it's story - photos need to narrate a story from beginning, middle and end (put yourself in the "shoes of your object, place or person) - captions under each photo is required (5-10 sentence) that tell a story
Grade 7/8 -
Financial Literacy:
Grade 7 /8 -
Grade 7/8 - Lessons
Grade 7 -
Study Notes: (I will collect study on Monday in order to provide you feedback) Please know the following for the test... Terms: Chapter 10 - force - torsion - dead load - gravity - magnitude - mass - internal and external forces - know the story of the three little pigs (how did the wolf apply force, explain house structure, function and form, any other terms used from chapters 10 and 11) Chapter 11 - arch and dome compared and contrast - rebar - truss - cantilever - corrugation Grade 8 - Study Notes: (I will collect study on Monday in order to provide you feedback) Please know the following for the test... Terms: Chapter 1 - physical system with example and compare and contrast with the social system - mechanical, optical, electrical systems with example - social system with examples - purpose of systems - input, output and side effects - consumerism - evolution of the school system - evolution of the telephone Chapter 2 - six simple machines with example - force - work - energy - compare and contrast between a doorknob door opener and a lever style door opener hwk: page 16 Questions 1 and 2
Religion/Fully Alive:
Health/Physical Education-Basketball: Substance Use and Abuse in class understanding difference substances in class assignment presented today
Monthly Calendar
Changes made Photo Essay now due on the 25th
and the Opinion Essay due on the 15
School Related
English Related Science Related |
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