Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


enrica.bucci@tcdsb.org or stsimonbucci@gmail.com as well as usbs,(soft copy) and the hand written form (hard copy) are all possible options students may use to submit assignments

- homework provided in Ms. Bucci classes (Science, Physical Education/Health for grade 7/8 and Literacy for the grade 8s) can be viewed at www.stsimonbucci.blogspot.ca
homework provided in Mr. Vago's classes (History/Geography, Drama/Dance and Art for grades 7/8 and Math for grade 8s) can be viewed at www.mrvago-st.simon.blogspot.ca and twitter @mrvago_stsimon
- homework provided in Mr. DiCroce's grade 7 literacy room can be viewed at www.stsimondicroce.blogspot.ca
-homework provided in Ms. Tassone's grade 7 math can be viewed at www.tassonestsimon.blogspot.ca

- Tests and Assignments posted for the month of March-see below 

- With your permission, students are allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health.

Grade 7
Grade 8
Literacy (See Mr. DiCroce's/Tassone's Blog)

hwk: 264 hold a text book with paper

Religion/Fully Alive
Lent Journal Entry # 5

Mathematics (See Ms. Tassone's/
Mr. DiCroce's Blog)
Geography/History (See Mr. Vago's Blog)
Art (See Mr. Vago's Blog)
Upcoming assignments
Health - Media Presentation-Positive Body Images - March 27
Physical Education -
Upcoming tests
- Science Test Unit Pure Substances and Mixtures-Matter March 5
Upcoming Events
March 3-Jump Rope
March 4-St. Basil's Music class
March 4-Pancakes pm
March 5-Ash Wednesday
March 7-Ministry Day Off
March 19-Ski Trip
March 28-Junior Achievement
March 28-Dress Down Day $1.00
Writing - Science Fiction
In Class "Read Just Before Recess" by James Van Pelt and "What If..." by Jackie French Koller
highlighted key words to show evidence of science fiction within the text
- Reviewed special features of a science fiction

A Scientific Fiction...

- Sometimes called sci-fi or SF
- it is a genre of fiction
- it often tells a story about science and technology of the future using the key elements of a story
- it could also involve partially true, partially fictitious laws or theories of sciences
- it should not be completely unbelievable as that is a ventures into the genre fantasy
- the plot create a situation different from the present of the past
- it includes a human element
- the storyline explains the effects/impacts of a new discovery, or scientific development on the future
- the setting is often set in the future, in space, in a different world, physical environment or different universe or dimension

- Began brainstorming and teacher conference
Reading -
Oral -
Visual -
Financial Literacy -
Novel Study - Book and Movie selection for ISU-teacher conference
Grammar -

Water Systems
hwk: 10.1 Water Use

Religion/Fully Alive

Lent Journal Entry # 5

Complete media assignment on positive body image-in class

Mathematics (See Mr. Vago's Blog)
Textbook - page
Workbook - page
Worksheet -
Geography/History (See Mr. Vago's Blog)
Art (See Mr. Vago's Blog) 
Upcoming assignments
Writing -
- Science Fiction - March 31st
- Parent Letters - March 31st
Reading -
Oral Presentations -
Media/Visual -
- Elements of a movie March 6 in class
Science -
Physical Education -
Health - Media Presentation-Positive Body Images - March 24-Vago -March 27-Bucci
Upcoming tests
- Science Test Unit Fluids March 5 
Upcoming Events
March 3-Jump Rope
March 4-St. Basil's Music class
March 4-Pancakes pm
March 5-Ash Wednesday
March 7-Ministry Day Off
March 19-Ski Trip
March 28-Junior Achievement (postponed)
March 28-Dress Down Day $1.00

1 comment:

  1. I hope your students enjoyed my story. Good luck with the end of the school year.
