Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


-Don't forget students will be writing letters home at the end of every month, teacher comments will also be provided within those letters.  These letters have to be read and signed by the parents and brought back to school.  A notification will be put on this blog as to when they need to be signed and returned.

- Tests and Assignments posted for the month of  December are posted below

- With your permission, students maybe allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work purposes only in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health

email Ms. Bucci @
email Mr. Vago
Grade 7/8
Grade 7 - 
                - hwk: -  

Grade 8 -  

                - hwk: - 

 Grade 7 
Nelson Literacy 7a  -  

                - hwk:

Grade 8  
Nelson Literacy 8a  -  

               - hwk:

Novel Studies

Grade 7s/8s - hwk:  finish reading Christmas Short story provided for to your book talk group - remember to highlight using different colour highlighters, setting, characters and plot as you are reading.

Grade 7 - 
Grade 8 -  


Grade 7 -       
Grade 8 -      

Grade 7 -
Grade 8 -

Financial Literacy:

Grade 7 -
Grade 8 -


Grade 7 - in class for the "Vow of Silence," worksheets were provided
Grade 8 -

Science: Grade 7 -
Religion/Fully Alive: Reflection Questions are for homework...
Please answer the following...
1. How has your relationship changed with your family since you were small? Explain
2. How has your relationship changed with your friends since you were small? Explain
3. Choose a person in your life that supports you. Explain how they do so and explain how this made you grow as a person?
4. What are the key factors to good communication? Why?
5. What are some key difficulties to communication? Why?
6. Describe a relationship you have that demonstrates good communication?
7. Describe a relationship you have that doesn't demonstrate good communication?

Grade 7/8 - In class  -  
Health/Physical Education: 

                                                   Monthly Calendar
School Related
Literacy Work Due Dates
Science Due Dates

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