- It is here, on this blog, that I will share with you daily reminders, homework, assignments, corrections, helpful educational websites and interesting news stories in the subject areas that I'll be instructing you on. You need to check this blog daily as it'll assist you in staying on top of your academics.
- full school uniform consists of either a plain white or navy blue shirt and navy blue pants
- full school uniform consists of either a plain white or navy blue shirt and navy blue pants
- and usbs, are soft copy methods for students to submit assignments
- other options are to hand write or print out assignments, these forms of submitting work are considered hard copy
- homework provided in Mr. Vago's classes (Math, History, Geography, Art/Drama/Dance) will be on his blog- homework provided in Ms. Bucci classes (Reading/Writing/Media Literacy/Financial Literacy, Science, Physical Education/Health) can be viewed at
-Don't forget students will be writing letters home at the end of every month, teacher comments will also be provided within those letters. These letters have to be read and signed by the parents and brought back to school. A notification will be put on this blog as to when they need to be signed and returned.
- Tests and Assignments posted for the month of November are posted below
- High school applications due Friday November 6
- Grade 8 - Open houses - This is an opportunity for parents and students to view high schools and what things they have to offer. Please go to:
- With your permission, students maybe allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work purposes only in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health
email Ms. Bucci @
email Mr. Vago
Grade 7/8
Writing: Grade 7 - - hwk: - Grade 8 - - hwk: - Reading: Grade 7 Nelson Literacy 7a - - hwk: Grade 8 Nelson Literacy 8a - - hwk:
Novel Studies:
Grade 7s/8s - hwk:
Grade 7 -
Grade 8 -
Grade 7 -
Grade 8 -
Grade 7 -
Grade 8 -
Financial Literacy:
Grade 7 -
Grade 8 -
Grade 7 -
Grade 8 -
Science: Grade 7 -
Religion/Fully Alive:
Grade 7/8 - In class -
Health/Physical Education:
Monthly Calendar |
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