Note(s) to parents and students:
Below you will find things that will assist you with in achieving greater success in class and at home. View it daily as things change according to instructions provided during class time. This blog is meant to be another support tool for you to refer back to. It is a simple overview of what was done in class and what your responsibilities are outside of school. Assignments and tests will be posted below on a monthly calendar. This blog is meant to help you time mange your school and after school activities. Remember you will be less stressed out if you have a plan in place and you organize your studies!
Please Note: If I'm away due to illness or workshops the blog will not be update that day. The supply will assign work left behind by me and if homework needs to be completed that day, please ensure that it's put into your bag as soon as it's assigned or remind yourself at the end of the day to refer to the homework board in the class.
E. Bucci
Grade 6 - A Daily Glance
Reading Read -a loud "The one and only Ivan" pages 183-203
Goal: understanding synthesizing (combine what you know with what your are thought in order to gain a new understanding and perspective of things) In class: EQAO SAMPLE BOOKLET done and taken up Hwk: - SCRAPBOOK DUE DATE WILL BE CHANGED TO FRIDAY MAY, 18, 2018 Writing - In class: EQAO SAMPLE BOOKLET completed and taken up Hwk:
Goal: using three diagrams to explain probability Textbook - Chapter 13 page 404
Hwk: page 405 questions 3-5
Workbook - pages 119-121 Hwk:
Worksheets –
Unit: Flight
In class: small group - worked on STEM task - conclusions need to be conducted Hwk:
Social Studies
In Class: Hwk:
Religion/Family Life
In class:
In class -
In class - |