Note(s) to parents and students:
Below you will find things that will assist you with in achieving greater success in class and at home. View it daily as things change according to instructions provided during class time. This blog is meant to be another support tool for you to refer back to. It is a simple overview of what was done in class and what your responsibilities are outside of school. Assignments and tests will be posted below on a monthly calendar. This blog is meant to help you time mange your school and after school activities. Remember you will be less stressed out if you have a plan in place and you organize your studies!
Please Note: If I'm away due to illness or workshops the blog will not be update that day. The supply will assign work left behind by me and if homework needs to be completed that day, please ensure that it's put into your bag as soon as it's assigned or remind yourself at the end of the day to refer to the homework board in the class.
E. Bucci
Grade 6 - A Daily Glance
Goal: understanding reading for meaning In class: TD Lesson and notes taken from the board regarding making the right choice reading novels, what reading means, and finding word meanings as you read and make sense of the text. Some expectations for the scrapbook were given in class today about word meaning Hwk: - ISU - focus will be word comprehension and asking specific type of questions ie: literal, inferential Writing - In class: Persuasive Writing - conferences regarding goals for term to and feedback on draft by teacher was started today Hwk: Draft persuasive letter to Mr. Boccia
Goal: Chapter 12. 8
Textbook - In class -understanding how to estimate percentages
Hwk: page 372 Q: 4-6
Workbook - Hwk:
Worksheets –
Unit: sign tests
In class: Hwk:
Social Studies
Unit: Canada's Link to the World
In Class: In class discussion about Canada and the US Hwk: Nelson Literacy 6b pages 82 and 83 Reflect On both parts
Religion/Family Life
Theme: Created Sexually: Male and Female
In class - Male and Females as Life Givers
In class -
Hwk: bring in paper rolls
In class -
In class - understanding the elements of dance group task due Friday - music given to start thinking about producing a dance routine using one element of dance to the song "This is Me." from the movie "The Greatest Showman" |