On this page you will find things that will assist with your success. View it daily as things change according to instructions provided during class time. This blog is meant to be another support tool for you to refer back to. It is a simple overview of what was done in class and what your responsibilities are outside of school. Assignments and tests will be posted below on a monthly calendar. This is meant to appropriately help you time mange your school and after school activities. Remember you'll be less stressed out if you have a plan in place and you organize your needs!
Please Note: If I'm away due to illness or workshops the blog will not be update that day. The supply will assign work left behind by me and if homework needs to be completed that day, please ensure that it's put into your bag as soon as it's assigned or refer to the homework board in the class before dismissal, as the homework, unless otherwise stated will be due the following day.
Kind Regards,
E. Bucci
Grade 6 - A Daily Glance
Writing - In class - EQAO practice
Hwk: -
Reading - In class - Nelson Literacy 6c
Hwk: - page 70-79 - Q: What is the author's research topic? Do you think there is truth to the article? Is it a real article? Explain how how you know, using information from the text to prove your answer. How did Ryan's mom support his goal? Media - In class - T-shirt design based on their book talk groups Hwk: - Oral - In class -
Hwk: -
- In class -
- EQAO practice Textbook Hwk: - Sign math tests - Review key at "home help" textbox in workbook for EQAO - Glossary of terms in the textbook - and a math dictionary to review key terms and formulas we did this year Workbook Hwk: - Worksheets Hwk: -
- In class -
Hwk: - Read pages 63-66 Q: Why is the title of the text a good one? Explain your reasoning. What can you infer about the relationship between Canadian and American space program? Explain your reasons using the text.
Social Studies -
- In class - Hwk: Health
- In class -
Religion/Family Life
- In class - gratitude journal Hwk: -
- In class - Fashion Arts students are exploring fashion trends through the ages - Small group assignment using book talk groups - Students are working on fashion trends for males and females from 1920-2010 is the focus
Hwk: - bring in supplies to work on T-Shirt Design
- In class - Hwk: - Dance
- In class - practice dances in the gym
Hwk: -
Calendar EQAO - Monday May 29th - Friday June 2, 2017 - Please ensure student arrives by 8:30 as we will begin at 8:35 am - Please ensure they have a pencil, eraser, calculator, ruler and protractor (all things that were requested at the beginning of the school year) - Students who are absent will need to write upon their return |