Friday, January 27, 2017

Friday, January 27, 2017

Note(s) to parents and students:

On this page you will find things that will assist with your success.  View it daily as things change according to instructions provided during class time.  This blog is meant to be another support tool for you to refer back to.  It is a simple overview of what was done in class and what your responsibilities are outside of school.  Assignments and tests will be posted below on a monthly calendar. This is meant to appropriately help you time mange your school and after school activities.  Remember you'll be less stressed out if you have a plan in place and you organize your needs!
Please Note:  If I'm away due to illness or workshops the blog will not be update that day.  The supply will assign work left behind by me and if homework needs to be completed that day, please ensure that it's put into your bag as soon as it's assigned or refer to the homework board in the class before dismissal, as the homework, unless otherwise stated will be due the following day.

Kind Regards,

E. Bucci

Grade 6 - A Daily Glance
    Writing - In class - begin organizing the newspaper articles within groups and the
                                     brainstorming of the article students are writing up
                              Hwk: -
    Reading - In class - 
                              Hwk: - 
                                        - Scrapbook for January will be due January 31st
    Media - In class -  
                           Hwk: -
    Oral - In class -              
                         Hwk:  -
               -  In class -  TD lesson on formulas for calculating surface area of a rectangular prism,  
                                    area of a triangle, and area of a rectangle. 
  Textbook   -  Hwk:  -
   Workbook  Hwk:   - 30, 31 and 32
  Worksheets –Hwk:  -
              - In class - Study notes provided for next weeks test
                              - lesson on sending and receiving signals with electrical devices
                             - Peak Times for Ontario Hydro
                Hwk:  -  make study notes (conferences will take place on Monday and Tuesday)

Science Study Guide/Review


-         Define Electricity

-         2 machines that use electricity and transform it into other energy

-         Renewable and non-renewable sources of electrical energy (know one well including the advantages and disadvantages of it)

-         Conductors and insulators explained using examples

-         Static and current electric shock explained using examples

-         Who is Thomas Alva Edison and his most popular inventions

-         Sources of energy needed to produce electricity (describe 2 of the five)

-         What caused the Great Blackout of 2003, what happened, where did this take place, what were the effects of people’s lives, how can we prepare for a blackout if it were to happen in the future

-         Peak, mid peak, and low peak times for electricity use in Toronto

Social Studies -the next unit in S.S will be conducted in term 2
             - In class -
            - In class -
Religion/Family Life
          - In class -
                  Hwk:  -
            - In class -  TD lesson on Colour
                 Hwk:  - complete colour wheel using primary, secondary and intermediate colours
                            - create a value chart of a certain hue, using 7 frames (adding white to the hue tints
                               the hue, while adding the black shades the hue)
                            - within each frame, the reviewer should be able to see a change in intensity based
                              on the addition of black and white, base on how much you overlap the hue in that
                              shade or tint
             - In class - began working on newscasts
                             - in class assignment in groups of 6
                             - students researched different features of a newscast and different sections of
                               a newscast and individual roles within a newscast
                             - roles of each member within groups were assignment along with developing a
                               newscast name
                 Hwk: -  

            - In class -

Jan. 31 - Scrapbook
Feb. 3 - Newspaper Article
Feb. 2 - Science Test on Electricity
Jan. 20 - PA Day

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