Note(s) to parents and students:
Below you will find things that will assist you with in achieving greater success in class and at home. View it daily as things change according to instructions provided during class time. This blog is meant to be another support tool for you to refer back to. It is a simple overview of what was done in class and what your responsibilities are outside of school. Assignments and tests will be posted below on a monthly calendar. This blog is meant to help you time mange your school and after school activities. Remember you will be less stressed out if you have a plan in place and you organize your studies!
Please Note: If I'm away due to illness or workshops the blog will not be update that day. The supply will assign work left behind by me and if homework needs to be completed that day, please ensure that it's put into your bag as soon as it's assigned or remind yourself at the end of the day to refer to the homework board in the class.
E. Bucci
Grade 6 - A Daily Glance
Reading Read -a loud "The one and only Ivan"
Goal: understanding synthesizing (combine what you know with what your are thought in order to gain a new understanding and perspective of things) In class: gained a further understanding of the meaning of synthesizing with the aid of a handout Hwk: - Why did Ivan say and what did he mean when he said on page 20 " I've learned not to get my hopes up?" Explain your thinking Writing - In class: debates continued today Hwk:
Goal: multiplication and division chapters 6, 9, and 10
Textbook - In class - as teacher conferences one on one and in small groups with students regarding factors, prime numbers, composite numbers, multiples, multiplying and three and four digits by two using whole numbers and decimals and finally dividing using whole numbers and decimals using three digits by one, students worked on math review based on workbook chapter 9 and 10
Hwk: keep practicing your multiplication and division strategies using whole number three digit by two digit and using decimals using workbook chapters 9 and 10
Workbook - chapters 9 and 10 Hwk:
Worksheets – review strategies for multiplying and dividing that were given out in class
In class: Hwk:
Social Studies
Unit: Canada's Link to the World
In Class: understand how we can help people around the world (MSF or DWB) Hwk: Nelson Literacy 6b pages 96-100 Q: Based on the read what is MSF or DWB and use examples to identify what they do
Religion/Family Life
Theme: Created Sexually: Male and Female
In class - Understanding how to offer almsgiving through a reading
In class - studio work using paper rolls to show texture
In class -
In class - dance research assignment continued in class today based on a style of dance - music given to start thinking about producing a dance routine using one element of dance to the song "This is Me." from the movie "The Greatest Showman"
Other - Permission form and money for Italian Trip