On this page you will find things that will assist with your success. View it daily as things change according to instructions provided during class time. This blog is meant to be another support tool for you to refer back to. It is a simple overview of what was done in class and what your responsibilities are outside of school. Assignments and tests will be posted below on a monthly calendar. This is meant to appropriately help you time mange your school and after school activities. Remember you'll be less stressed out if you have a plan in place and you organize your needs!
Please Note: If I'm away due to illness or workshops the blog will not be update that day. The supply will assign work left behind by me and if homework needs to be completed that day, please ensure that it's put into your bag as soon as it's assigned or refer to the homework board in the class before dismissal, as the homework, unless otherwise stated will be due the following day.
Kind Regards,
E. Bucci
Grade 6 - A Daily Glance
Writing - In class -
Hwk: -
Reading - In class - Read chapter 9 of "Searching For David's Heart"
Hwk: - Start looking for a December novel for your Scrapbook. Students are allow to use our in class novel "Searching for David's Heart" if they find themselves pressed for time Media - In class - Hwk:
Oral - In class -
Hwk: -
- In class - Test
Textbook - Hwk: - Workbook - Hwk:
Worksheets –Hwk:
- In class - different classification systems of vertebrates and invertebrates
of living things (DII based on reading sections from pages 48-50 Hwk: - complete worksheets on vertebrates and invertebrates
Social Studies -the next unit in S.S will be conducted in term 2
- In class - Hwk: Health
- In class - understanding allergies and food sensitivities
- group task - create a "Healthy" Christmas Menu for your guests includes a dinner invitation, the menu that has appetizers, main from 3 out of the four food groups, desserts, fruits, and drinks, and activities that'll guests will be involved in after their elaborate meal
Religion/Family Life
- In class - Advent Prayer Hwk:
- In class -
- In class - Dance
- In class -
November 4 - Wonderland Question Presentation
November 16 - Narrative November 17 - ISU - Group Task Social Studies Assignment November 23 - Drama - Dialogue has been added November 25 - ISU - Group Task Playlist for your Book Talk November 28 - ISU - Scrapbook November 28 - Parent Letter done in class
November 14 - Math Chapter 7 Test November 29 - Math Test Chapter 14 Test