-fully school uniform consists of either a plain white or navy blue shirt and navy blue pants.
-sign the May parent letters please-many students still have outstanding assignments and have been notified through teacher conference
- enrica.bucci@tcdsb.org or stsimonbucci@gmail.com as well as usbs,(soft copy) and the hand written form (hard copy) are all possible options students may use to submit assignments
- homework provided in Mr. Vago's classes (History, Geography, Art/Drama/Dance for grade 7/8s and Math for the grade 8s)
- homework provided in Ms. Bucci classes (Science, Physical Education/Health for grade 7/8s and Literacy for the grade 8s) can be viewed at www.stsimonbucci.blogspot.ca
ry/Geography, Drama/Dance and Art for grades 7/8 and Math for grade 8s) can be viewed at www.mrvago-st.simon.blogspot.ca and twitter @mrvago_stsimon
- homework provided in Mr. DiCroce's grade 7 literacy room can be viewed at www.stsimondicroce.blogspot.ca
-homework provided in Ms. Tassone's grade 7 math can be viewed at www.tassonestsimon.blogspot.ca
- Tests and Assignments posted for the month of May will be posted on Monday May 5
- With your permission, students are allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health.
Grade 7
Grade 8
Literacy (See Mr. DiCroce's/Tassone's Blog)
ScienceReligion/Fully Alive Health/Physical Education -students are to log sleep routine and exercise schedule for a week starting Monday -in pairs research a specific factor that influences physical growth ie: nutrients, sleep exercise etc.... Mathematics (See Ms. Tassone's/ Mr. DiCroce's Blog)
Art (See Mr. Vago's Blog)
Upcoming assignments
Science-May 21-ISU chapter 12
Upcoming tests
Upcoming Events
May 5- Music Monday May 6-Band at the Woodbine Centre to perform May 8-Art Expressions 7-8 May 9-Reading Buddies May 12-Track Meet May 16-Reading Buddies May 19-Victoria Day-No School May 21-Dance Workshop May 21-Volunteer Breakfast May 22-Author Visit Grade 7s at 9:00 May 23-Reading Buddies May 29-Mass at St. Judes May 30-Reading Buddies -Dress Down Day $1.00 |
Writing - Valedictorian Speech for those interested in presenting at graduation due Monday Reading - read a magazine article in groups and identify special features and important information and facts about the article-present findings Oral -
Visual -
Media- Financial Literacy - Novel Study -
Grammar -
Science Religion/Fully Alive Health/Physical Education -students are to log sleep routine and exercise schedule for a week starting Monday -in pairs research a specific factor that influences physical growth ie: nutrients, sleep exercise etc.... Mathematics (See Mr. Vago's Blog)
Textbook - page
Workbook - page
Worksheet -
Geography/History (See Mr. Vago's Blog)
Art (See Mr. Vago's Blog)
Upcoming assignments
Writing -
Reading - Oral Presentations - May 15-Public Service Announcement Media/Visual - May 30- Teenage Magazine outline Science - May 21-ISU Chapter 12 changed due to dance workshop change in schedule Physical Education - Health - Upcoming tests Upcoming Events May 5- Music Monday May 6-Band at the Woodbine Centre to perform May 8-Art Expressions 7-8 May 9-Reading Buddies May 12-Track Meet May 16-Reading Buddies May 19-Victoria Day-No School May 21-Dance Workshop date changed to May 12 May 21-Volunteer Breakfast May 23-Reading Buddies May 26-Author Visit Grade 8s at 1:00 May 29-Mass at St. Judes we will be walking May 30-Reading Buddies -Dress Down Day $1.00 |