Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Parents I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of Mr. Vago and myself to let you know that both the students and teachers had a fantastic time at Teen Ranch with all the grade 8 students.  It is an experience we will never forget!
*** interesting website for the grade 8s  www.after8tcdsb.com***
*** open house for high school week of October 21-November 7-check website for dates, location and times on www.tcdsb.org/school/OpenHouses/Pages
Programs offered at the high schools can be viewed @ www.tcdsb.org under text bar PROGRAMS and SERVICES, scroll on drop down menu to view the programs (K-12)-Guidance

- enrica.bucci@tcdsb.org or stsimonbucci@gmail.com as well as usbs, and the hand written form are all possible options students may use to submit assignments

- homework provided in Ms. Bucci classes (Science, Physical Education/Health for grade 7/8 and Literacy for the grade 8s) can be viewed at www.stsimonbucci.blogspot.ca
- homework provided in Mr. Vago's classes (History/Geography, Drama/Dance and Art for grades 7/8 and Math for grade 8s) can be viewed at www.mrvago-st.simon.blogspot.ca and twitter @mrvago_stsimon
- homework provided in Mr. DiCroce's grade 7 literacy room can be viewed at www.stsimondicroce.blogspot.ca
-homework provided in Ms. Tassone's grade 7 math can be viewed at www.tassonestsimon.blogspot.ca

-Tests and Assignments posted for the month of October-see below
- Parents must sign the internet consent form
-With your permission, students are allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health.


Grade 7
Grade 8
Literacy (See Mr. DiCroce's Blog)
Writing - 
Reading - 
Oral Read Aloud -
Visual -
Financial Literacy -
Novel Study -
Grammar -


Health/Physical Education

Religion/Fully Alive



Mathematics (See Ms. Tassone's Blog)
Textbook - page
Workbook - page
Worksheet -

Geography/History (See Mr. Vago's Blog)

Art (See Mr. Vago's Blog)

Upcoming assignments
Health - October 17
Upcoming tests

Science - October 30

Unit: Skills Handbook and
Interactions in our Environment
Study Notes

Please know the following for the test…

  1. Page 118 Questions 1, 3
  2. How have humans changed the eco system
  3. Explain how competition affects organisms that live in a habitat
  4. Label the microscope
  5. Safety Symbols of Hazardous Household Product
  6. Define living and non living things, scientific inquiry
  7. Importance of working safely inside a science classroom as a student

*  Test will be short answers with diagrams that need to be labelled.
*  The question worth/mark(s) will determine how much information needs to write        within your answer.  For example, if question #1 is worth 3 marks, then you must include   three different ideas related to the question.

Study process…

  1. Review information above and find the information in your notes or text
  2. Use page numbers and dates to guide you in finding the information above
  3. Write notes in your own words and on a separate sheet of paper titled study notes in order for you to better understand the ideas being tested and to have all the information on one or two sheets of paper
  4. Review your study notes daily
  5. Test yourself by writing possible questions based on your study notes
  6. Find the answers and write them out beside the questions
  7. Have someone question you with the questions you’ve provided them
  8. Answer questions both orally and in the written form, writing out the answers will help students who sometimes freeze up during test time so the extra practise will benefit you
  9. The night before the test review everything a few times
  10. During the test take your time and read every question thoroughly providing as much information as possible

Test Date:  Wednesday October 30, 2013
Upcoming Events
Bus Safety-October 8
Madonna High School Presentation-October 9
Rosary-October 10
PA Day-October 11
Thanksgiving-October 14
School Mass-October 28
School Picture Day-October 30
Writing-20 min. timed writing reflection based on a prompt-in class task
Reading -based on a magazine called "Gone Global" read pages 2-5 and use scan and skim technique to DII (for in class use only)

Oral -discussion based on homework about the purpose of labels
Visual - 
Financial Literacy -
Novel Study -
Grammar - 


Health/Physical Education

Religion/Fully Alive



Mathematics (See Mr. Vago's Blog)
Textbook - page
Workbook - page
Worksheet -

Geography/History (See Mr. Vago's Blog)

Art (See Mr. Vago's Blog)

Upcoming assignments
Writing - paragraph writing-October 7
             - monologue writing-October 21
             - parent letter-October 28
Health-October 17
Upcoming tests
Science -October 30

Unit: Skills Handbook and Cells
Study Notes

Please know the following for the test…

  1. Page 116 Questions 1, 7, 8 a,b,e, 9, and 16
  2. Label the microscope
  3. Safety Symbols of Hazardous Household Product
  4. Define cell theory, flagella, cilia, scientific inquiry
  5. Importance of working safely inside a science classroom as a  student

*  Test will be short answers with diagrams that need to be labelled.
*  The question worth/mark(s) will determine how much information needs to write        within your answer.  For example, if question #1 is worth 3 marks, then you must include   three different ideas related to the question.

Study process…

  1. Review information above and find the information in your notes or text
  2. Use page numbers and dates to guide you in finding the information above
  3. Write notes in your own words and on a separate sheet of paper titled study notes in order for you to better understand the ideas being tested and to have all the information on one or two sheets of paper
  4. Review your study notes daily
  5. Test yourself by writing possible questions based on your study notes
  6. Find the answers and write them out beside the questions
  7. Have someone question you with the questions you’ve provided them
  8. Answer questions both orally and in the written form, writing out the answers will help students who sometimes freeze up during test time so the extra practise will benefit you
  9. The night before the test review everything a few times
  10. During the test take your time and read every question thoroughly providing as much information as possible

Test Date:  Wednesday October 30, 2013

Upcoming Events
Bus Safety-October 8
Madonna High School Presentation-
October 9
Rosary-October 10
PA Day-October 11
Thanksgiving-October 14
School Mass-October 28
School Picture Day-October 30

Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013

Parents I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of Mr. Vago and myself to let you know that both the students and teachers had a fantastic time at Teen Ranch with all the grade 8 students.  It is an experience we will never forget!
*** interesting website for the grade 8s  www.after8tcdsb.com***
*** open house for high school week of October 21-November 7-check website for dates, location and times on www.tcdsb.org/school/OpenHouses/Pages
Programs offered at the high schools can be viewed @ www.tcdsb.org under text bar PROGRAMS and SERVICES, scroll on drop down menu to view the programs (K-12)-Guidance

- enrica.bucci@tcdsb.org or stsimonbucci@gmail.com as well as usbs, and the hand written form are all possible options students may use to submit assignments

- homework provided in Ms. Bucci classes (Science, Physical Education/Health for grade 7/8 and Literacy for the grade 8s) can be viewed at www.stsimonbucci.blogspot.ca
- homework provided in Mr. Vago's classes (History/Geography, Drama/Dance and Art for grades 7/8 and Math for grade 8s) can be viewed at www.mrvago-st.simon.blogspot.ca and twitter @mrvago_stsimon
- homework provided in Mr. DiCroce's grade 7 literacy room can be viewed at www.stsimondicroce.blogspot.ca
-homework provided in Ms. Tassone's grade 7 math can be viewed at www.tassonestsimon.blogspot.ca

-Tests and Assignments posted for the month of October-see below
- Parents must sign the internet consent form
-With your permission, students are allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health.


Grade 7
Grade 8
Literacy (See Mr. DiCroce's Blog)
Writing - 
Reading - 
Oral Read Aloud -
Visual -
Financial Literacy -
Novel Study -
Grammar -


Health/Physical Education

Religion/Fully Alive



Mathematics (See Ms. Tassone's Blog)
Textbook - page
Workbook - page
Worksheet -

Geography/History (See Mr. Vago's Blog)

Art (See Mr. Vago's Blog)

Upcoming assignments
Health - October 17
Upcoming tests

Science - October 30

Unit: Skills Handbook and
Interactions in our Environment
Study Notes

Please know the following for the test…

  1. Page 118 Questions 1, 3
  2. How have humans changed the eco system
  3. Explain how competition affects organisms that live in a habitat
  4. Label the microscope
  5. Safety Symbols of Hazardous Household Product
  6. Define living and non living things, scientific inquiry
  7. Importance of working safely inside a science classroom as a student

*  Test will be short answers with diagrams that need to be labelled.
*  The question worth/mark(s) will determine how much information needs to write        within your answer.  For example, if question #1 is worth 3 marks, then you must include   three different ideas related to the question.

Study process…

  1. Review information above and find the information in your notes or text
  2. Use page numbers and dates to guide you in finding the information above
  3. Write notes in your own words and on a separate sheet of paper titled study notes in order for you to better understand the ideas being tested and to have all the information on one or two sheets of paper
  4. Review your study notes daily
  5. Test yourself by writing possible questions based on your study notes
  6. Find the answers and write them out beside the questions
  7. Have someone question you with the questions you’ve provided them
  8. Answer questions both orally and in the written form, writing out the answers will help students who sometimes freeze up during test time so the extra practise will benefit you
  9. The night before the test review everything a few times
  10. During the test take your time and read every question thoroughly providing as much information as possible

Test Date:  Wednesday October 30, 2013
Upcoming Events
Bus Safety-October 8
Madonna High School Presentation-October 9
Rosary-October 10
PA Day-October 11
Thanksgiving-October 14
School Mass-October 28
School Picture Day-October 30
Writing- Parent Letters written in class
Reading -Organized Book Talks and "What is the purpose of labels on clothing and other common materials we use daily" based on a magazine called "Gone Global" (for in class use only)

Oral -
Visual - 
Financial Literacy -
Novel Study -
Grammar - 


Health/Physical Education

Religion/Fully Alive



Mathematics (See Mr. Vago's Blog)
Textbook - page
Workbook - page
Worksheet -

Geography/History (See Mr. Vago's Blog)

Art (See Mr. Vago's Blog)

Upcoming assignments
Writing - paragraph writing-October 7
             - monologue writing-October 21
             - parent letter-October 28
Health-October 17
Upcoming tests
Science -October 30

Unit: Skills Handbook and Cells
Study Notes

Please know the following for the test…

  1. Page 116 Questions 1, 7, 8 a,b,e, 9, and 16
  2. Label the microscope
  3. Safety Symbols of Hazardous Household Product
  4. Define cell theory, flagella, cilia, scientific inquiry
  5. Importance of working safely inside a science classroom as a  student

*  Test will be short answers with diagrams that need to be labelled.
*  The question worth/mark(s) will determine how much information needs to write        within your answer.  For example, if question #1 is worth 3 marks, then you must include   three different ideas related to the question.

Study process…

  1. Review information above and find the information in your notes or text
  2. Use page numbers and dates to guide you in finding the information above
  3. Write notes in your own words and on a separate sheet of paper titled study notes in order for you to better understand the ideas being tested and to have all the information on one or two sheets of paper
  4. Review your study notes daily
  5. Test yourself by writing possible questions based on your study notes
  6. Find the answers and write them out beside the questions
  7. Have someone question you with the questions you’ve provided them
  8. Answer questions both orally and in the written form, writing out the answers will help students who sometimes freeze up during test time so the extra practise will benefit you
  9. The night before the test review everything a few times
  10. During the test take your time and read every question thoroughly providing as much information as possible

Test Date:  Wednesday October 30, 2013

Upcoming Events
Bus Safety-October 8
Madonna High School Presentation-
October 9
Rosary-October 10
PA Day-October 11
Thanksgiving-October 14
School Mass-October 28
School Picture Day-October 30

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday, October 17, 2013


*** interesting website for the grade 8s  www.after8tcdsb.com***
*** open house for high school week of October 21-November 7-check website for dates, location and times on www.tcdsb.org/school/OpenHouses/Pages
Programs offered at the high schools can be viewed @ www.tcdsb.org under text bar PROGRAMS and SERVICES, scroll on drop down menu to view the programs (K-12)-Guidance

- enrica.bucci@tcdsb.org or stsimonbucci@gmail.com as well as usbs, and the hand written form are all possible options students may use to submit assignments

- homework provided in Ms. Bucci classes (Science, Physical Education/Health for grade 7/8 and Literacy for the grade 8s) can be viewed at www.stsimonbucci.blogspot.ca
- homework provided in Mr. Vago's classes (History/Geography, Drama/Dance and Art for grades 7/8 and Math for grade 8s) can be viewed at www.mrvago-st.simon.blogspot.ca and twitter @mrvago_stsimon
- homework provided in Mr. DiCroce's grade 7 literacy room can be viewed at www.stsimondicroce.blogspot.ca
-homework provided in Ms. Tassone's grade 7 math can be viewed at www.tassonestsimon.blogspot.ca

-Tests and Assignments posted for the month of October-see below
- Parents must sign the internet consent form
-With your permission, students are allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health.


Grade 7
Grade 8
Literacy (See Mr. DiCroce's Blog)
Writing - 
Reading - 
Oral Read Aloud -
Visual -
Financial Literacy -
Novel Study -
Grammar -

if you want me to review your study notes for greater success, please submit by Monday, October 28

Health/Physical Education
- bring magazines, search videos, lyrics
Students are working on an in class assignment on harassment
Religion/Fully Alive



Mathematics (See Ms. Tassone's Blog)
Textbook - page
Workbook - page
Worksheet -

Geography/History (See Mr. Vago's Blog)

Art (See Mr. Vago's Blog)

Upcoming assignments
Health - October 17
Upcoming tests

Science - October 30

Unit: Skills Handbook and
Interactions in our Environment
Study Notes

Please know the following for the test…

  1. Page 118 Questions 1, 3
  2. How have humans changed the eco system
  3. Explain how competition affects organisms that live in a habitat
  4. Label the microscope
  5. Safety Symbols of Hazardous Household Product
  6. Define living and non living things, scientific inquiry
  7. Importance of working safely inside a science classroom as a student

*  Test will be short answers with diagrams that need to be labelled.
*  The question worth/mark(s) will determine how much information needs to write        within your answer.  For example, if question #1 is worth 3 marks, then you must include   three different ideas related to the question.

Study process…

  1. Review information above and find the information in your notes or text
  2. Use page numbers and dates to guide you in finding the information above
  3. Write notes in your own words and on a separate sheet of paper titled study notes in order for you to better understand the ideas being tested and to have all the information on one or two sheets of paper
  4. Review your study notes daily
  5. Test yourself by writing possible questions based on your study notes
  6. Find the answers and write them out beside the questions
  7. Have someone question you with the questions you’ve provided them
  8. Answer questions both orally and in the written form, writing out the answers will help students who sometimes freeze up during test time so the extra practise will benefit you
  9. The night before the test review everything a few times
  10. During the test take your time and read every question thoroughly providing as much information as possible

Test Date:  Wednesday October 30, 2013
Upcoming Events
Bus Safety-October 8
Madonna High School Presentation-October 9
Rosary-October 10
PA Day-October 11
Thanksgiving-October 14
School Mass-October 28
School Picture Day-October 30
Reading -

Oral - Classroom meeting
Visual - 
Financial Literacy -
Novel Study -
Grammar - 

if you want me to review your study notes for greater success, please submit by Friday, October 18
- pg. 116 Questions: 1, 7, 8 a, b, e, 9, 16

Health/Physical Education
- bring magazines, search videos, lyrics
students are working on an in class assignment on harassment
Religion/Fully Alive



Mathematics (See Mr. Vago's Blog)
Textbook - page
Workbook - page
Worksheet -

Geography/History (See Mr. Vago's Blog)

Art (See Mr. Vago's Blog)

Upcoming assignments
Writing - paragraph writing-October 7
             - monologue writing-October 21
             - parent letter-October 28
Health-October 17
Upcoming tests
Science -October 30

Unit: Skills Handbook and Cells
Study Notes

Please know the following for the test…

  1. Page 116 Questions 1, 7, 8 a,b,e, 9, and 16
  2. Label the microscope
  3. Safety Symbols of Hazardous Household Product
  4. Define cell theory, flagella, cilia, scientific inquiry
  5. Importance of working safely inside a science classroom as a  student

*  Test will be short answers with diagrams that need to be labelled.
*  The question worth/mark(s) will determine how much information needs to write        within your answer.  For example, if question #1 is worth 3 marks, then you must include   three different ideas related to the question.

Study process…

  1. Review information above and find the information in your notes or text
  2. Use page numbers and dates to guide you in finding the information above
  3. Write notes in your own words and on a separate sheet of paper titled study notes in order for you to better understand the ideas being tested and to have all the information on one or two sheets of paper
  4. Review your study notes daily
  5. Test yourself by writing possible questions based on your study notes
  6. Find the answers and write them out beside the questions
  7. Have someone question you with the questions you’ve provided them
  8. Answer questions both orally and in the written form, writing out the answers will help students who sometimes freeze up during test time so the extra practise will benefit you
  9. The night before the test review everything a few times
  10. During the test take your time and read every question thoroughly providing as much information as possible

Test Date:  Wednesday October 30, 2013

Upcoming Events
Bus Safety-October 8
Madonna High School Presentation-
October 9
Rosary-October 10
PA Day-October 11
Thanksgiving-October 14
School Mass-October 28
School Picture Day-October 30

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


*** interesting website for the grade 8s  www.after8tcdsb.com***
*** open house for high school week of October 21-November 7-check website for dates, location and times on www.tcdsb.org/school/OpenHouses/Pages
Programs offered at the high schools can be viewed @ www.tcdsb.org under text bar PROGRAMS and SERVICES, scroll on drop down menu to view the programs (K-12)-Guidance

- enrica.bucci@tcdsb.org or stsimonbucci@gmail.com as well as usbs, and the hand written form are all possible options students may use to submit assignments

- homework provided in Ms. Bucci classes (Science, Physical Education/Health for grade 7/8 and Literacy for the grade 8s) can be viewed at www.stsimonbucci.blogspot.ca
- homework provided in Mr. Vago's classes (History/Geography, Drama/Dance and Art for grades 7/8 and Math for grade 8s) can be viewed at www.mrvago-st.simon.blogspot.ca and twitter @mrvago_stsimon
- homework provided in Mr. DiCroce's grade 7 literacy room can be viewed at www.stsimondicroce.blogspot.ca
-homework provided in Ms. Tassone's grade 7 math can be viewed at www.tassonestsimon.blogspot.ca

-Tests and Assignments posted for the month of October-see below
***Some paragraph writing assignments were not handed in today-please ask your child to submit them
-With your permission, students are allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health.


Grade 7
Grade 8
Literacy (See Mr. DiCroce's Blog)
Writing - 
Reading - 
Oral Read Aloud -
Visual -
Financial Literacy -
Novel Study -
Grammar -

if you want me to review your study notes for greater success, please submit by Monday, October 28

Health/Physical Education
- bring magazines, search videos, lyrics
Students are working on an in class assignment on harassment
Religion/Fully Alive
- identify three gifts from God you received today
- finish food drive poster
Thanksgiving Assignment

Mathematics (See Ms. Tassone's Blog)
Textbook - page
Workbook - page
Worksheet -

Geography/History (See Mr. Vago's Blog)

Art (See Mr. Vago's Blog)

Upcoming assignments
Health - October 17
Upcoming tests

Science - October 30

Unit: Skills Handbook and
Interactions in our Environment
Study Notes

Please know the following for the test…

  1. Page 118 Questions 1, 3
  2. How have humans changed the eco system
  3. Explain how competition affects organisms that live in a habitat
  4. Label the microscope
  5. Safety Symbols of Hazardous Household Product
  6. Define living and non living things, scientific inquiry
  7. Importance of working safely inside a science classroom as a student

*  Test will be short answers with diagrams that need to be labelled.
*  The question worth/mark(s) will determine how much information needs to write        within your answer.  For example, if question #1 is worth 3 marks, then you must include   three different ideas related to the question.

Study process…

  1. Review information above and find the information in your notes or text
  2. Use page numbers and dates to guide you in finding the information above
  3. Write notes in your own words and on a separate sheet of paper titled study notes in order for you to better understand the ideas being tested and to have all the information on one or two sheets of paper
  4. Review your study notes daily
  5. Test yourself by writing possible questions based on your study notes
  6. Find the answers and write them out beside the questions
  7. Have someone question you with the questions you’ve provided them
  8. Answer questions both orally and in the written form, writing out the answers will help students who sometimes freeze up during test time so the extra practise will benefit you
  9. The night before the test review everything a few times
  10. During the test take your time and read every question thoroughly providing as much information as possible

Test Date:  Wednesday October 30, 2013
Upcoming Events
Bus Safety-October 8
Madonna High School Presentation-October 9
Rosary-October 10
PA Day-October 11
Thanksgiving-October 14
School Mass-October 28
School Picture Day-October 30
Writing-drafted monologue and co-create rubric
Reading - What personal connections have you made thus far to the main character of your novel?  Please explain using information from the text and your own words.  If there are no characters introduced at this time in your reading, what other things can you connect with?  Again please explain your ideas by using information in the text and your own words.

Oral Read Aloud -
Visual - 
Financial Literacy -
Novel Study -
Grammar -

if you want me to review your study notes for greater success, please submit by Friday, October 18
- pg. 116 Questions: 1, 7, 8 a, b, e, 9, 16

Health/Physical Education
- bring magazines, search videos, lyrics
students are working on an in class assignment on harassment
Religion/Fully Alive
- identify three gifts from God you received today
- finish food drive poster
Thanksgiving Day Assignment

Mathematics (See Mr. Vago's Blog)
Textbook - page
Workbook - page
Worksheet -

Geography/History (See Mr. Vago's Blog)

Art (See Mr. Vago's Blog)

Upcoming assignments
Writing - paragraph writing-October 7
             - monologue writing-October 21
             - parent letter-October 28
Health-October 17
Upcoming tests
Science -October 30

Unit: Skills Handbook and Cells
Study Notes

Please know the following for the test…

  1. Page 116 Questions 1, 7, 8 a,b,e, 9, and 16
  2. Label the microscope
  3. Safety Symbols of Hazardous Household Product
  4. Define cell theory, flagella, cilia, scientific inquiry
  5. Importance of working safely inside a science classroom as a  student

*  Test will be short answers with diagrams that need to be labelled.
*  The question worth/mark(s) will determine how much information needs to write        within your answer.  For example, if question #1 is worth 3 marks, then you must include   three different ideas related to the question.

Study process…

  1. Review information above and find the information in your notes or text
  2. Use page numbers and dates to guide you in finding the information above
  3. Write notes in your own words and on a separate sheet of paper titled study notes in order for you to better understand the ideas being tested and to have all the information on one or two sheets of paper
  4. Review your study notes daily
  5. Test yourself by writing possible questions based on your study notes
  6. Find the answers and write them out beside the questions
  7. Have someone question you with the questions you’ve provided them
  8. Answer questions both orally and in the written form, writing out the answers will help students who sometimes freeze up during test time so the extra practise will benefit you
  9. The night before the test review everything a few times
  10. During the test take your time and read every question thoroughly providing as much information as possible

Test Date:  Wednesday October 30, 2013

Upcoming Events
Bus Safety-October 8
Madonna High School Presentation-
October 9
Rosary-October 10
PA Day-October 11
Thanksgiving-October 14
School Mass-October 28
School Picture Day-October 30