Wishing all of you peace and happiness during Christmas and well into the New Year.
- enrica.bucci@tcdsb.org or stsimonbucci@gmail.com as well as usbs, and the hand written form are all possible options students may use to submit assignments
- homework provided in Ms. Bucci classes (Science, Physical Education/Health for grade 7/8 and Literacy for the grade 8s) can be viewed at www.stsimonbucci.blogspot.ca
- homework provided in Mr. Vago's classes (History/Geography, Drama/Dance and Art for grades 7/8 and Math for grade 8s) can be viewed at www.mrvago-st.simon.blogspot.ca and twitter @mrvago_stsimon
- homework provided in Mr. DiCroce's grade 7 literacy room can be viewed at www.stsimondicroce.blogspot.ca
-homework provided in Ms. Tassone's grade 7 math can be viewed at www.tassonestsimon.blogspot.ca
- Tests and Assignments posted for the month of December-see below
- With your permission, students are allowed to bring in their home computer or other electronic devices for class work in the areas of Literacy, Science, and Health.
Grade 7
Grade 8
Literacy (See Mr. DiCroce's/Tassone's Blog)
Writing - Reading - Oral Read Aloud - Visual - Financial Literacy - Novel Study -
Grammar -
Health/Physical Education Religion/Fully Alive French Italian Mathematics (See Ms. Tassone's/ Mr. DiCroce's Blog) Workbook - page
Worksheet -
Geography/History (See Mr. Vago's Blog) Art (See Mr. Vago's Blog)
Upcoming assignments
Science - Chapter 6 Inquiry Base Assignment - December 18 Physical Education - Co-operative Indoor Games Presented - December 13
Upcoming Events
Mass - December 2 Immunization Needles - December 11 Rosary- December 12 Christmas Outreach - December 13 Christmas Concert For Primary Students - Intermediate Students will support behind the scenes - December 18 PA Day - December 20 |
Writing -
Reading -
Oral - Visual - Media - take pictures from your holidays Financial Literacy - Novel Study - read 20 pages of your book Elements of a Story-to the tune of a Christmas song postponed until after the break
Grammar -
Health/Physical Education Religion/Fully Alive French Italian Mathematics (See Mr. Vago's Blog)
Textbook - page
Workbook - page
Worksheet -
Geography/History (See Mr. Vago's Blog)
Art (See Mr. Vago's Blog)
Upcoming assignments
Writing - Procedural - December 16 - Santa's Wish - December 19 unable to complete - Oral Presentations - Product or Idea Development - December 13 Visual - Classroom Makeover Science - Chapter 6 Inquiry Base Assignment - December 18 Physical Education - Co-operative Indoor Games Presented - December 13 Classroom Makeover - December 13 Upcoming tests Mass - December 2 Immunization Needles - December 11 Rosary- December 12 Christmas Outreach - December 13 Christmas Concert For Primary Students - Intermediate Students will support behind the scenes - December 18 PA Day - December 20 |